Exciting Announcement: Make-Up Class Self-Service is Here!
Mind Stretcher launches the Mind Stretcher App
今年小六会考华文考试将使用新题型,其中听力理解试卷的篇章长度和题型都有不少改变,许多学生还没有对这些片花做好准备。在多年的教学工作中,我们也发现,在备考小六会考华文的过程中,有的学生不重视听力理解,致使在这一项目中难以取得高分,令人惋惜。 导致这一结果的重要原因之一,就是新加坡市面上缺乏高质量的、符合会考要求的听力理解配套练习。听力理解并不是小六会考华文考试中的高难度题目,因此,只要在考前使用高质量的练习材料,得当训练,就很有可能快速提高成绩。 为了迎合广大小六会考考生的备考需要,“学汇乐”《小六会考华文听力理解模拟练习》应运而生了。 这套由学汇乐中学华文课程团队原创研发的听力理解模拟练习,是新加坡第一本小六会考华文听力理解电子书,能有效帮助学生在会考中取得高分。
Writing. It can be such a chore for some children. But there is no escaping it, especially for the PSLE English Language Paper 1 which every Primary School child would have to be prepared for.
Why do you need a "why", how can you discover yours and how can it transform your motivation levels? Read on to find out!
Many school admissions criteria claim to be looking for all-rounded students who are not just academically qualified. But what does this even mean and how can you become an all-rounded student? Read on to find out!
In a fast-paced world dominated by short-form video content, reading as a hobby is sadly on the decline. However, with the endless benefits it provides, reading is still one of the most transformational recreational activities you can engage in! Whether you are already an avid bookworm or a budding reader, here are 5 reasons to read more!
We all know that revision is one of the most important parts of a student’s schedule. However, revision is a pretty broad and vague term. So, what does it actually entail? Aimless revision like spending time making notes that are a replica of your textbook or flipping through materials without any real understanding can rob you of your precious time! In order to make the most of it, revision should be targeted and well-planned. Here are 5 questions you can ask to guide yourself through a more productive revision session!
Exams are an inevitable part of academic life. No matter how hard you work and how smart you study, things sometimes don't go as planned. Receiving a bad exam result can be incredibly disheartening. Knowing how to face this setback and keep going is an important skill to have as a student! In this blog post, we'll explore some effective strategies to help you pick yourself up and move forward after a bad exam result.
Do you believe that all humans are naturally scientific people? Many of the skills required to do well in science (like observation) are definitely instinctive traits that many of us naturally possess. However, these skills still need to be taught and developed further in order to appreciate, understand and excel at science! Read on to find out what these skills are and how you can develop them!
Although they can be tough to approach, the power of classic literature is unmatched! Delving into these timeless works can help teenagers improve their language and vocabulary while connecting with the human experience, gaining critical thinking skills and developing shrewd insight. Classic literature is also an amazing way to explore the themes and ideas humanity has been discussing since the beginning of time and improve cultural literacy! Here are 5 classics for teenagers to begin with!
Whether you're preparing for a small class test or a major examination, being a good test taker can make a significant difference in your results. Even if you have studied, revised and prepared thoroughly, poor test-taking skills can cause you to lose marks and bring your grade down! Here are some ways to become a good test-taker!
With the help of modern technology and research, brain training tools are becoming more and more common and widely available. However, engaing in your favourite hobbies can be just as effective at helping you keep your brain sharp and active. Here are some fun ways to give your brain a workout!
Prioritising stress management is crucial for maintaining good mental health and academic performance. Here are some effective strategies to help students manage and reduce stress, ensuring a more balanced and fulfilling student life!
When it comes to your academic journey, staying motivated is a key ingredient for success. Whether you are a student striving for excellence or a lifelong learner pursuing new knowledge, maintaining a high level of motivation is crucial. However, in the face of challenges, distractions, and self-doubt, staying motivated can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. Read on to learn effective strategies to stay motivated academically and unlock your full potential!