Primary 1 Mathematics

Learn core mathematical concepts through fun hands-on experiences and real-world examples. We bring Mathematics to life by imparting core skills such as counting money and telling time!

Primary 1 Mathematics

Learn core mathematical concepts through fun hands-on experiences and real-world examples. We bring Mathematics to life by imparting core skills such as counting money and telling time!

Primary 1 Mathematics

Learn core mathematical concepts through fun hands-on experiences and real-world examples. We bring Mathematics to life by imparting core skills such as counting money and telling time!




Build strong foundations in mathematical concepts – Numbers, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Shapes, Money, Time, Length and more.


Students learn and utilise Mind Stretcher's Power Codes – effective problem-solving techniques – to solve various problem sums fast and accurately.


Hands-on experiences are used to pique and develop students' interest in Mathematics, and real-world examples bring Mathematics to life.



Numbers to 100

- Number notation, representations and place values - Comparing and ordering numbers - Patterns in number sequences - Ordinal numbers (e.g., first, second, third) and symbols (e.g., 1st, 2nd, 3rd) - Number bonds

Numbers to 100

- Number notation, representations and place values - Comparing and ordering numbers - Patterns in number sequences - Ordinal numbers (e.g., first, second, third) and symbols (e.g., 1st, 2nd, 3rd) - Number bonds

Numbers to 100

- Number notation, representations and place values - Comparing and ordering numbers - Patterns in number sequences - Ordinal numbers (e.g., first, second, third) and symbols (e.g., 1st, 2nd, 3rd) - Number bonds

Addition and Subtraction

- Concepts of addition and subtraction - Use of +, – and = - Addition and subtraction within 100 - Mental addition and subtraction within 20 - Managing word problems

Addition and Subtraction

- Concepts of addition and subtraction - Use of +, – and = - Addition and subtraction within 100 - Mental addition and subtraction within 20 - Managing word problems

Addition and Subtraction

- Concepts of addition and subtraction - Use of +, – and = - Addition and subtraction within 100 - Mental addition and subtraction within 20 - Managing word problems

Multiplication and Division

- Concepts of multiplication and division - Use of x and ÷ - Multiplying within 40 - Grouping - Dividing within 40 - Managing word problems

Multiplication and Division

- Concepts of multiplication and division - Use of x and ÷ - Multiplying within 40 - Grouping - Dividing within 40 - Managing word problems

Multiplication and Division

- Concepts of multiplication and division - Use of x and ÷ - Multiplying within 40 - Grouping - Dividing within 40 - Managing word problems


- Counting money in cents or dollars - Forming an amount of money by combining coins or dollars - Converting an amount of money from dollars to cents, vice versa - Managing word problems


- Counting money in cents or dollars - Forming an amount of money by combining coins or dollars - Converting an amount of money from dollars to cents, vice versa - Managing word problems


- Counting money in cents or dollars - Forming an amount of money by combining coins or dollars - Converting an amount of money from dollars to cents, vice versa - Managing word problems


- Measuring length in centimenters (cm) - Comparing and ordering lengths in cm - Measuring and drawing lines to the nearest cm


- Measuring length in centimenters (cm) - Comparing and ordering lengths in cm - Measuring and drawing lines to the nearest cm


- Measuring length in centimenters (cm) - Comparing and ordering lengths in cm - Measuring and drawing lines to the nearest cm

Picture Graphs

- Reading and interpreting picture graphs

Picture Graphs

- Reading and interpreting picture graphs

Picture Graphs

- Reading and interpreting picture graphs


- Telling time using 'o clock' and 'half past' - Using abbreviations such as 'h', 'min', 'am', 'pm' - Duration of one hour/half hour


- Telling time using 'o clock' and 'half past' - Using abbreviations such as 'h', 'min', 'am', 'pm' - Duration of one hour/half hour


- Telling time using 'o clock' and 'half past' - Using abbreviations such as 'h', 'min', 'am', 'pm' - Duration of one hour/half hour


- Identify, name, describe and classify two-dimensional (2D) shapes - Identify 2D shapes that make up a combined figure - Copy figures on dot grids


- Identify, name, describe and classify two-dimensional (2D) shapes - Identify 2D shapes that make up a combined figure - Copy figures on dot grids


- Identify, name, describe and classify two-dimensional (2D) shapes - Identify 2D shapes that make up a combined figure - Copy figures on dot grids

View our P1 Mathematics curriculum materials

View our P1 Mathematics curriculum materials

View our P1 Mathematics curriculum materials

Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans

Weekly Materials

Detailed concept papers cover the fundamental topic concepts and guided solutions, allowing students to solidify their understanding of the topic.

Comprehensive Concept Papers

Robust problem sums enable students to solidify understanding of key concepts through consistent practice, and tackle challenging questions with ease.

Problem-Solving Sets

Students learn Mind Stretcher's effective problem-solving strategies and heuristics to solve commonly-tested exam questions fast and accurately.

Mind Stretcher Power Codes

Weekly Materials

Detailed concept papers cover the fundamental topic concepts and guided solutions, allowing students to solidify their understanding of the topic.

Comprehensive Concept Papers

Robust problem sums enable students to solidify understanding of key concepts through consistent practice, and tackle challenging questions with ease.

Problem-Solving Sets

Students learn Mind Stretcher's effective problem-solving strategies and heuristics to solve commonly-tested exam questions fast and accurately.

Mind Stretcher Power Codes

Weekly Materials

Detailed concept papers cover the fundamental topic concepts and guided solutions, allowing students to solidify their understanding of the topic.

Comprehensive Concept Papers

Robust problem sums enable students to solidify understanding of key concepts through consistent practice, and tackle challenging questions with ease.

Problem-Solving Sets

Students learn Mind Stretcher's effective problem-solving strategies and heuristics to solve commonly-tested exam questions fast and accurately.

Mind Stretcher Power Codes

Homework Booster

Homework Booster

Homework Booster

Progress Tracking

Progress Tracking

Progress Tracking

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2025 Mind Stretcher. All rights reserved.

2025 Mind Stretcher. All rights reserved.