Primary 1 Integrated Chinese
Our Primary 1 Chinese programme prepares students to master Chinese, by learning essential vocabulary and Hanyu Pinyin, and building their reading, speaking, listening and writing skills.

Primary 1 Integrated Chinese
Our Primary 1 Chinese programme prepares students to master Chinese, by learning essential vocabulary and Hanyu Pinyin, and building their reading, speaking, listening and writing skills.

Primary 1 Integrated Chinese
Our Primary 1 Chinese programme prepares students to master Chinese, by learning essential vocabulary and Hanyu Pinyin, and building their reading, speaking, listening and writing skills.

Primary 1 Integrated Chinese
Our Primary 1 Chinese programme prepares students to master Chinese, by learning essential vocabulary and Hanyu Pinyin, and building their reading, speaking, listening and writing skills.

The detailed explanation and practice of the vocabulary in textbooks enable students to master the necessary words and expand their vocabulary.
Students will develop a strong foundation in Hanyu Pinyin and the fundamental linguistic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
A systematic approach to teaching is adopted, by guiding students to listen first, then read (language input), speak first, then write (language output).
Students will learn to write progressively - from writing sentences to writing paragraphs, and finally completing a full picture composition.
Picture books with engaging content are used as a pedagogic tool to foster love for Chinese and hone the ability to convey ideas in Chinese.
Hanyu Pinyin (汉语拼音)
Hanyu Pinyin (汉语拼音)
Hanyu Pinyin (汉语拼音)
Hanyu Pinyin (汉语拼音)
Vocabulary (课本词汇)
Vocabulary (课本词汇)
Vocabulary (课本词汇)
Vocabulary (课本词汇)
Listen and Read (听听读读)
Listen and Read (听听读读)
Listen and Read (听听读读)
Listen and Read (听听读读)
Speak and Write (说说写写)
Speak and Write (说说写写)
Speak and Write (说说写写)
Speak and Write (说说写写)
Language Use (语文应用)
Language Use (语文应用)
Language Use (语文应用)
Language Use (语文应用)
Reading Picture Books (绘本阅读)
Reading Picture Books (绘本阅读)
Reading Picture Books (绘本阅读)
Reading Picture Books (绘本阅读)
View our P1 Integrated Chinese curriculum materials

View our P1 Integrated Chinese curriculum materials

View our P1 Integrated Chinese curriculum materials

View our P1 Integrated Chinese curriculum materials

Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans

Weekly Materials
Students will develop a strong foundation in Hanyu Pinyin, master the rules of writing Chinese characters, and expand their library of vocabulary. (帮助学生建立良好的汉语拼音基础;系统性地学习汉字的笔画、笔顺、部件和偏旁,掌握汉字的书写规则;通过对课本词语精讲精练,让学生熟练掌握与运用,并扩展词汇量。)
Build a solid foundation in Chinese (打好语文基础)
Students will be guided progressively to listen first, then read, and speak first, then write, thereby improving holistically across all four areas. (采用科学的教学步骤,让学生先听听,再读读(语言输入),先说说,再写写(语言输出),全面提高听说读写四项语言技能。)
Improve students' language skills effectively (高效提升语言技能)
Students are provided step-by-step training, from writing sentences to writing paragraphs, and finally completing the full picture composition. (从看图写句子,到看图写段落,循序渐进地训练,最终达到独立完成看图写作文的水平。)
Develop writing skills progressively (循序渐进培养写作能力)
Students will be encouraged to read handpicked books and share their reading experiences in class to learn more Chinese words and expressions. (以精彩的绘本作为教学工具,培养学生对华语的兴趣与用华文输出观点的能力。精选课外阅读书籍,引导学生课下阅读,课上分享,扩大学生的阅读量,学习更多华文词语和表达。)
Handpicked books as a pedagogic tool (精选绘本与课外阅读书籍)

Weekly Materials
Students will develop a strong foundation in Hanyu Pinyin, master the rules of writing Chinese characters, and expand their library of vocabulary. (帮助学生建立良好的汉语拼音基础;系统性地学习汉字的笔画、笔顺、部件和偏旁,掌握汉字的书写规则;通过对课本词语精讲精练,让学生熟练掌握与运用,并扩展词汇量。)
Build a solid foundation in Chinese (打好语文基础)
Students will be guided progressively to listen first, then read, and speak first, then write, thereby improving holistically across all four areas. (采用科学的教学步骤,让学生先听听,再读读(语言输入),先说说,再写写(语言输出),全面提高听说读写四项语言技能。)
Improve students' language skills effectively (高效提升语言技能)
Students are provided step-by-step training, from writing sentences to writing paragraphs, and finally completing the full picture composition. (从看图写句子,到看图写段落,循序渐进地训练,最终达到独立完成看图写作文的水平。)
Develop writing skills progressively (循序渐进培养写作能力)
Students will be encouraged to read handpicked books and share their reading experiences in class to learn more Chinese words and expressions. (以精彩的绘本作为教学工具,培养学生对华语的兴趣与用华文输出观点的能力。精选课外阅读书籍,引导学生课下阅读,课上分享,扩大学生的阅读量,学习更多华文词语和表达。)
Handpicked books as a pedagogic tool (精选绘本与课外阅读书籍)

Weekly Materials
Students will develop a strong foundation in Hanyu Pinyin, master the rules of writing Chinese characters, and expand their library of vocabulary. (帮助学生建立良好的汉语拼音基础;系统性地学习汉字的笔画、笔顺、部件和偏旁,掌握汉字的书写规则;通过对课本词语精讲精练,让学生熟练掌握与运用,并扩展词汇量。)
Build a solid foundation in Chinese (打好语文基础)
Students will be guided progressively to listen first, then read, and speak first, then write, thereby improving holistically across all four areas. (采用科学的教学步骤,让学生先听听,再读读(语言输入),先说说,再写写(语言输出),全面提高听说读写四项语言技能。)
Improve students' language skills effectively (高效提升语言技能)
Students are provided step-by-step training, from writing sentences to writing paragraphs, and finally completing the full picture composition. (从看图写句子,到看图写段落,循序渐进地训练,最终达到独立完成看图写作文的水平。)
Develop writing skills progressively (循序渐进培养写作能力)
Students will be encouraged to read handpicked books and share their reading experiences in class to learn more Chinese words and expressions. (以精彩的绘本作为教学工具,培养学生对华语的兴趣与用华文输出观点的能力。精选课外阅读书籍,引导学生课下阅读,课上分享,扩大学生的阅读量,学习更多华文词语和表达。)
Handpicked books as a pedagogic tool (精选绘本与课外阅读书籍)

Weekly Materials
Students will develop a strong foundation in Hanyu Pinyin, master the rules of writing Chinese characters, and expand their library of vocabulary. (帮助学生建立良好的汉语拼音基础;系统性地学习汉字的笔画、笔顺、部件和偏旁,掌握汉字的书写规则;通过对课本词语精讲精练,让学生熟练掌握与运用,并扩展词汇量。)
Build a solid foundation in Chinese (打好语文基础)
Students will be guided progressively to listen first, then read, and speak first, then write, thereby improving holistically across all four areas. (采用科学的教学步骤,让学生先听听,再读读(语言输入),先说说,再写写(语言输出),全面提高听说读写四项语言技能。)
Improve students' language skills effectively (高效提升语言技能)
Students are provided step-by-step training, from writing sentences to writing paragraphs, and finally completing the full picture composition. (从看图写句子,到看图写段落,循序渐进地训练,最终达到独立完成看图写作文的水平。)
Develop writing skills progressively (循序渐进培养写作能力)
Students will be encouraged to read handpicked books and share their reading experiences in class to learn more Chinese words and expressions. (以精彩的绘本作为教学工具,培养学生对华语的兴趣与用华文输出观点的能力。精选课外阅读书籍,引导学生课下阅读,课上分享,扩大学生的阅读量,学习更多华文词语和表达。)
Handpicked books as a pedagogic tool (精选绘本与课外阅读书籍)

Homework Booster

Homework Booster

Homework Booster

Homework Booster

Progress Tracking

Progress Tracking

Progress Tracking

Progress Tracking

Exam Preparation

Exam Preparation

Exam Preparation

Exam Preparation
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